Crypto Collectibles presents a Nightmare sketch for Art Explosion Week 43

An entry for @juliakponsford's Art Explosion Week 43 with this week's theme being Mythology.  What is know as modern mythology?   Comic books!   Steve Ditko has quite been on the mind, used this opportunity to sketch out a creation of his I have never drawn before, and Nightmare felt the most modern mythological.  He is also a character I enjoyed quite a bit when first getting into comics but now realized I haven't thought about him in a while until tonight actually, all these Marvel movies kind of get you focused on just the characters they use and you forget about a lot of other main ones.   I left in the original sketch that I threw out and went a different direction.

More Ditko love🕷

Crypto Collectibles presents "LBRY OF THE FREE" T-Shirt Design

Crypto Collectibles presents 1st Issue Special #7 for PhotoBomb Challenge #29 - Entry #2

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