for an interdimensional love
Painting on cardboard
20x25 cm
My alienated unconscious
The term also refers to the loss of an identity or personality, which passively exerts a center of power.
The painting was executed with a compostive scheme, almost in "S" to generate dynamism.
The visual journey begins with the figure of the young woman who struggles to free herself from the bonds that force her to return to the reality that is awakening from her dreams.
The bed represents that, on the other hand the element of the water that falls from its astronaut helmet (fish tank) makes reference to the tears shed by the girl when remembering her lover, who is thousands of kilometers away of light years away.
The bed reflects the emptiness, the depression that keeps her drowned. the Space helmet (fish tank) is also a barrier limiting (reality, fears created by society) that prevent him from venturing and go after his love.
Finally, this love belongs to a universe that is free and different from that of the young girl. It is an alien, a figure that is in the upper left part of the support.
the pillows that move in space, paint them in the composition, to generate a greater visual balance and simulate stars.
Registration Process
Step 1 . is to draw with graphite the guidelines of each figure
Also using geometrical figures for the trunk and head, for example
I usually use graphite in small quantities, and I go detailing with the paint directly, so as not to dirty the support with the pencil.
The acrylic is diluted with a greater amount of water in the first layers of paint.
You should locate the tones (low-medium- and high) in each figure, and the place where the light is projected.
- Pencil (Hb)
- Acrylic (blue, violet, white, red, black, yellow, bronze and gold)
- Soft Brushes
- Artistic Resin (Oro color)
For the background use the colors in low tones to generate a greater contrast. the colors you use: blue, ultramarine blue, prussian blue, cobalt violet, vermilion red, and copper.
For the stars it is splashed with the brush, the color white and gold.
At the end of the painting, with the bottom of the brush apply artistic resin in the astronaut helmet. with the purpose of generating more brightness and volume simulating glass.
To dilute a little more the resin and avoiding lumps, solvent was used (orocolor).
I hope you liked it
thanks for the support
It was a practice that allowed me to externalize many things, and I appreciate that.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.