Little Spook - artexplosion entry 2

This is my second entry for @juliakponsford's artexplosion 2 contest - following up on my first entry (an older painting, Spook, very fitting for the chosen theme: phantoms).

Spook was a painting of a phantom, which glowed in the dark, but I was never really able (or neither did I really try) to take a picture of it glowing in the dark. This week, I painted a smaller Spook (15x20cm - whereas the original one was 40x60cm). It is not as subtle, but that has a lot to do with the size of the canvas; smaller is usually painted more crude in my workflow.

I hope you enjoy it in its daylight as well as in its nightlight-glow-in-the-dark-appearance:

But, man, it was difficult to capture that..

And as I have said in my post on Spook: this may become a new series. Because glow-in-the-dark is just awesome, don't you think?

Little Spook, 18x24cm, oils and glow-in-the-dark-acrylics on canvas, 2017, original available: make me an offer I can't refuse :)

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