They're Back - [ART EXPLOSION WEEK 7: Theme ALIENS ]

This is my submission for @juliakponsford's amazing ART EXPLOSION contest, with the theme of ALIENS. It's a bit less serious than my usual direction, almost whimsical. I hope you enjoy!

Main contest thread and submissions: @juliakponsford/art-explosion-week-7-theme-aliens-25-sbd-in-prizes-all-forms-of-art-welcome

They're Back

The beady eyes of legions past,
Settle on our home at last.
None can be seen,
Not one single sound,
‘Cept their big bulbous eyes,
Yellow and round.
Mooshing and gooshing
And oozing around,
Like terrible slugs
Near a black scummy pond.

What do they want?
What is their mission?
Are they here for golf?
Are they here for fishin’?

‘No,’ they say, one and all.
‘We’re here to stop your trips to the mall,
The restaurant, coffee shop, the theater hall,
Your buying and spending,
Your smiles and your glee.
You could try and stop us,
You could try to flee,
But both will help nothing,
No matter how hard you plead.’

So then they walk forward,
Out into the light.
And me and my lady,
Stand and shiver with fright.

For ugly they are,
Like a bad night’s dream,
Like when you’ve eaten too much
Pizza, pork rinds, and ice cream.

Their faces are oozy,
Dripping goopy green glop,
Their mouths are all covered
With an odd-colored slop.

Their hands reach out
As if to tuck us in bed,
But their eyes—oh their eyes—
Say, ‘We need to be fed.’

So my lady and I,
We leave with a rush,
Close the door on their faces,
And though our legs are all mush,
We scoot from our house,
Down the street, turn a corner,
But those beasts are there too,
Still there, only larger!

A big mass, a huge pile,
All gibbers and slobbers.
All slithering blubber
Dripping greenish goo globbers!
They can fall all upon us,
It’d be useless to holler.

The end has now come,
So I pull close my lady,
See her warm loving eyes,
And the beasts are gone—well, maybe.

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