Art Explosion Contest 5 - Animal theme. My entry: the sheep

Have you read about the wonderful contest by @juliakponsfords ? You can read all the informations here: @juliakponsford/art-explosion-contest-5-40usd-sbd-prize-pool-we-have-a-sponsor-art-music-poetry-every-form-of-art-acceptable 

The theme for this week is "animal", so it's perfect for my freaky animals! For my entry in this awesome contest I just painted this freaky sheep. It's an oil painting on 200 gr paper in A4 size and I used a piece of old page of book to "create" the sheep. 

Don't worry, every piece of book that I use in my art is just a part of the destroyed books (a friend of mine works in the city library and she give me all destroyed books before they put them in the trash ^_^) that I collect just for this.

I took some pics of the step by step, even if the photos are not the best ^_^

Thanks so much to @juliakponsfords for this opportunity!

See ya soon


silvia beneforti

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