ART EXPLOSION: Theme FUTURISTIC [白蚁] @juliakponsford

I am envisioning a future, running anywhere from 1 to 100 generations from now. It seems consciousness is ever expanding and human brain extensions can reach everywhere. Time and space ceases.
The future is made from what came before. Frequencies raise as sound moves into light.

If everything is expanding, then everything becomes closer and more connected. We may reach a point where a mere mortal cannot recognise its surroundings to forge a path through. The old patterns we grew from are irrelevant. All things lead to all things!

I dont know how I fit into this competition, but I guess thats where I'm going with this theme.
A vision of absolutely everything in the future, has to be attemptd in slices, and from now...

... Above is my submission. I guess if this was to be placed in a gallery, then it would be in a darkened room, projected on the wall, and at high volume. ... stuff would make you go mad!!!
The 'art' is the sounds I have made and the main image I have drawn (just to break it down!)

Boomshanka. TERMITE @termitemusic point in the matrix 22.222222222222222222222222
art futre.png

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1 column