illuminati art.jpg

Putative Party of The Powers That Be
Acrylic, oil, laytex on canvas

This is a collaborative painting between my art partner, @minedovermatter, and I. We created a series of narrative paintings, which shine light on some of the esoteric parts of society. There is a lot to pick apart from what could be going on in the image. There appears to be some kind of satanic sacrifice involving extra terrestrial entities and demons.

There are Telsa coils on the right and left of the pillars. The Illuminati stole Telsa's technology which hold the key to free energy and scalar physics. They are wizards of black magic. It amazes me how much truth there is in this painting because this was created from divine inspiration and before we knew about what is under the Getty Center in LA. There are vast underground networks of bases used by societal elite where they traffic humans, especially children. Children are tortured, raped, murdered, and their blood consumed.

The constellations in the painting comment on how the Illuminati perform blood rituals during certain arrangements of the stars, to amplify the Loosh that is generated, and funneled to the demons who occupy the 4th density, bribing the evil 3rd density humans with technology and power.

It all started with the formation of secret societies, like the Freemasons, who's compass logo can be seen as the wizard's mustache in the painting. The Freemasons were originally good, but evil factions of the Freemasons slowly banded together to control the world.

This has been going on for a long time on earth. We must expose these horrors and save the earth. The demons spoke about in historical lore are not fiction. There has always been a battle between good and evil here on Earth. I believe cryptocurrency is a reward for the people who have woken up to the truth about the federal reserve.

This painting has never been posted on Steemit before, and I would like to thank @juliakponsford for the good opportunity to show this work, and have it potentially reach a wider audience. Thank you.


P.S. I would also like to mention to the readers of this post, and the participator of Julia's contest, that a fellow steemit user, @in2itiveart, hosts what is called "Controversial Topics Art Contest" and needs more participants.

We must all use our abilities to bring about the paradise on Earth however we can. Making art is good because it involves manifesting intent, which is how reality is changed. The most esoteric knowledge that the Freemasons have fought long and hard to keep secret, is how consciousness creates reality. Scalar emissions from your body literally alter the quantum fabric of space time and determine what we see in the world. The more people we wake up, the more the Illuminati's black magic will not work. The Universe allows them to perform evil on us, because they have tricked us into LETTING THEM. When we ignore them, they are authorized to enslave us.

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