Art Explosion Week 32: Vicious Entry


Here is my submission to the Art Explosion contest hosted by @juliakponsford
This weeks theme was Vicious.

If you have been following my blog at all, you would probably see that I am a big fan of the fantasy genre. It all started when I was a kid. I honestly can't even recall the very beginning, but specifically I was interested fairies. What most people didn't seem to understand was that I wasn't into the sweet tu-tu wearing variety. I liked the old tales, where the fairies were mischievous, and even deadly!

I am still drawn to that whole idea of an ethereal being, that looks lovely and yet is so dangerous. So that was my inspiration for this week.

Ok, ok you got me, I was just looking for an excuse to wear this wig AGAIN!


I'd love to know what your favorite mythical creature is and why!


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