Article - Healthy For Life

Hello my dear Steamians

This opportunity I want to share information about Health that I have written in the form of articles


Just as humans are difficult to escape from mistakes
The human body was difficult to avoid the toxins that enter the body

The more toxins the body gnaws , the shorter our lives are
Although not doing bad health habits such as smoking or consuming alcohol , our body is still exposed to toxins from the surrounding environment
Imagine that the air we breathe is polluted , the water we drink contains a lot of chlorine , the clothes we wear are made of synthetic materials and contain the chemicals , moisturizers and shampoos that we all use chemically

Our bodies are capable of expelling their own toxins from within the body naturally through feces , sweat and urine
However , chemicals such as those mentioned earlier are difficult to clean naturally by our own organs

The toxins that accumulate in the body will damage our body cells gradually and lower the immune system
So we become more susceptible to disease

At least once a year
Humans need to do Detoxification


Is a process of neutralizing toxins in the body
This process will rejuvenate the body iswork system by cleaning the toxins that enter and stick in the body without us knowing it

Although this process is often associated with weight-loss programs , not just fat people who need to detoxify toxins in the body
Anyone with normal weight or tend to be thin even need to do so that toxins that have entered into the body does not accumulate into dangerous diseases

How can we detoxify our bodies free from toxins ?
Detoxification can be done in various ways
The easiest is to fast or reduce the amount of food intake
In this way , the energy the body should use to process food will be allocated to remove toxins from the body
Fasting also provides an opportunity for the digestive system to rest for a moment and accelerate the growth of new cells
Another way is with juice therapy
Previously detoxification therapy by simply consuming various types of juice should be consulted first on a doctor or medical consultant

Detoxification therapy by simply consuming fruit and vegetable juices is very good because fruits contain lots of water
Anyone who does it will not get dehydrated. Make juice without water and drink every two hours
Among the time drinking the juice, consume as much water as possible to expedite the disposal
A lot of water intake will also facilitate the process of removing toxins and impurities in the body
Fruits also contain high levels of vitamins and minerals

After the body is free from toxins , do not forget to supplement our body's nutritional needs properly
Well now it is time for you to renew the intake of nutrients in the body with natural-based health food
Detoxification therapy has been done to enable the digestive system of our body to be clean and always easy to absorb all the nutrients that enter

So many of my articles on health
Hopefully useful for all of us


Best Regard


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