This is the world's poorest town in the lives of people

Oregon Territory was created in the United States on August 14, 1848. This territory was very popular among immigrants, who came to settle down in search of better life. But there is also a town where there is no connection between electricity and water in people's homes. Today we are going to show you the Photos of the Worst Epicenne Town in the Kentucky State of America. Even today people of this town live for many years ...


America is known for its high living standards. The lifestyle of the people here is followed in other countries too. However, Apalachan is called America's poorest town. According to US Census, 41% of the populations in the Appelachan Town of Kentucky State spend below the poverty line. They do not have basic facilities. About 5 thousand people live in this town.Most of them do not have jobs. Prior to the supply of coal and tobacco from this area, people walked in the house. But now their demand has decreased, due to which there is no saving of income for the people. Well, there are quite a few tourists here, but due to them the people of this town earn a little bit of money.Let us tell you that people of this town have not got the connection of electricity and water even today. The situation of people's homes speaks a lot to their situation. You can also see in the pictures how people here pass by.


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