A visit to the oldest community market in Kola Alagbado ogun state, Nigeria

Today, I paid a visit to one of our most illustrous market in our community, I took public transportation and well it was pretty fast, it took me 20 minutes ride on our local transportation called okada
Do here I was just walking down the boluvards of the market, in the tarred roads.?


Here is the local transportation which comes handy in our community and we call it okada, it's also a means of livelihood to the men it the pictures, and it's quite effective in heavy traffic.


Here is the sawmill that produces all the wood the community uses to build all her houses, I mean when it comes to roofing of building, I didn't go closer, because of the restriction to buyers only


I also got to see our local vegetables Depot, where fresh vegetables are sold, here as you can see is spinach and in our language we call it ugwu it can be used to prepare soup and also eaten raw as well, it's really rich in iron and vitamins


Just immediately I went to the tomato vendors and Nigeria has got the best lands for planting tomatoes, you can see the redness of the tomatoes, very cheap and affordable too, if you live in this part of the world


Here is a location where the local cow skin called ponmo is being sold, Nigerians love ponmo, and here is a local meat which the people here enjoy, although we really don't know the nutritional value but sure we love it here.


However people who do not like this go for the live chicken being displayed in the shed, they are a bit expensive, but also very good source of vitamins and minerals.
The chicken is being sold to them, then they go home and kill


Here is smoked fish, we call it Eja yiyan or in other languages azu amirismi that is processed fish or dried fish.
It comes in handy for cooking soup, and honestly people by it like they are buying oxygen.


Here are other cross section and products being sold in the market, there are actually shoes, clothes wristwatches colourful clothes e.t.c.
The road shown signifies that the market is located on a road.





And lastly here is the church the participants and owner of businesses attend, Nigeria is a country full of piety and so people value a supernatural being; God of whom they have faith and believe in


All images with my Techno K7

Written & compiled by @Josediccus

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