Brief thoughts on being put in the "women artist" ghetto // by Joan Pope


Originally posted on my Instagram

Is there anything more insulting than being thrown into the “women artist” ghetto? I don’t want to be singled out based on sex and then operate within a “collective” that perpetuates the idea that the word “artist” is inherently male therefore it needs the designation of “woman” in front of it, then call that being “progressive.” I am a woman and I’m confident that everyone already knows that. There is no need to throw the word “woman” or “female” in front of everything I do. It’s already known. Let’s be clear about something: I don’t do “women’s only” shit because my art and philosophy requires men. I can hold my own creatively and intellectually with men. When I work with the theme of the “Divine Feminine” it should be a given that the feminine requires the masculine to mean something. The entire body of my work is based on Sex, based on Alchemy. I fucking love duality. It is the basis of all creation, life. It is necessary. It is the wisdom that has been passed down from the ancients. Isn’t being an artist all about achieving inner androgyny anyways? Uniting our own inner opposites? // When you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower… (We learn about the inner masculine / inner feminine through our interactions and relationships with people of the opposite sex.)

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