ARTISTS IN BLOOM Gallery No. 1 - My little art gallery

Image courtesy of @everlove

Good morning everyone! Especially Mrs @everlove for inviting us to share our works of art.

A year ago I participated in a vacation plan where we saw painting and then I stayed until December watching drawing classes in the morning shift. Because in the afternoon I have classes at school.

Today I want to share some of the drawings I made in Drawing classes.






I made all these drawings myself, with some techniques taught to me by the drawing teacher, always under his supervision.

Little by little I will share many more.

I couldn't continue with the drawing course because I wanted to practice swimming and the schedule crashed into drawing. So I had to drop out of class. I am currently swimming and going to school.

I draw at home quite a lot and when there are contests here in steemit I participate in those that I can.

I hope you like my drawings, I will continue to share it with you and again thank you for this valuable opportunity. I invite you to visit my blog to see more drawings of my authorship. Greetings

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