Noki'S Entery To The 2nd Week Of Arrists In Bloom Contest Sponosred By @everlove !

This is @noki-power's second entry to Artists In Bloom,

the art initiative hereon Steemit

to support children and their artistic expressions.

(See @noki-power's first post here.)

There is always a lot of creation happening at the @gardenofeden,
where @noki-power and her sister @qiqi-power live a life of thrival.

Valentines Day was just another opportunity to express love and gratitude,
and to make something to share with a loved one.

At the @gardenofeden we have a lot of materials that others discard,
very useable things that we can alchemize from trash to treasure.
It's amazing the things that people throw away,
and how much money and energy is spent in acquiring something new
instead of utilizing the old.

Everything you see on this table was destined for the landfill.
We not only saved it from its fate in the dump,
but now there are many blessings that will come from it.

@noki-power is exercising her fine motor skills.  
She is stretching her imagination,
learning techniques,  
understanding the nature of materials,
getting fresh air and sunshine,
building a strong bond with her mom @truelovelives  
and her older sister @qiqi-power,
and making a sustainable gift from the heart.

All of this she can do for free,
not only because her materials are free,
but because she has as much time as she wants,
whenever she wants,
to do whatever she wants...

Noki is also free!

Because there are so many free materials,  
the children get to use their imaginations to put them to use
on a daily basis for a continuous flow of projects.

Today they adorned their creations with used cardboard,  
construction paper, magazines, tissue paper, and lace.

Even the glue, glue sticks, scissors and bins were once discarded--
making everything about this project a no-cost creation.

Both of these children love that the materials they are using were not purchased for them at a store. They already know that many things are still perfectly useable, and often even better if having been used before. They also love the earth and life itself, so they are joyous to not be participating in the things that do harm, and they are innately aware of the importance of living true to those values not only for their future, but for the world as a whole.

Just look what beautiful creations one can make while not only doing no harm,
but actually saving the earth from human's destructive nature.

If only adults knew what @noki-power at only 4, and her sister @qiqi-power at only 6 already know, not only would we get to live a free and abundant life as they do, but the world as a whole would be better off for our presence here on this planet.

We hope they have inspired you to live in the awareness
that there is enough of everything,
if only we take the responsibility to fully engage
and live true to that knowing!

- @everlove's #thankyouforbeing post dedicated to @noki-power
- Get brilliant insight into @quinneaker's perspective on parenting
- Meet @quinneaker, incredible father of @noki-power and @qiqi-power,
and founder and visionary of the world renown @gardenofeden


This is an introduce your self post for Noki aka @noki-power the younger sister of @qiqi-power, daughter of @quinneaker and thriving inhabitant of @gardenofeden  ! I have lots of precious photos and fun information to share in this   post about Noki, but first I want to be clear on the foundation of this   account and how it will work.  I @quinneaker created this account in trust, to share the infinite blessings of Noki with the world, under the @noki-power  name.  I want to give Noki a way to be be responsible and self  sustaining  for supporting her own dreams and desires in life. I treat  her like an  adult and in many ways already, she is more conscious,  capable and  responsible than most adults. This will start her off with  her own  "business outlet" to begin taking care of her self whenever she  wants  to. She comprehends and is excited to share her love and passion  for  life while also working for and creating things for her self that  she  wants.  She wants an Ipad to create art with, make videos, watch  videos so she doesn't have to share with her older sister @qiqi-power  for as much as they love each other they prefer to have their own  things to use when and how they want.  She is already very indapendant,  empowered and free.  She helps cook,  clean, take care of her younger  brother, and has an amazing  imagination.  Noki is learning Spanish and  as well as new things every day. I will  be posting her chosen content  and perspective as well as represent for  her here, having sole control  of the account and all  activity on it.   She will have no access to  this account in any way on her own. Yet I  will mediate for her in  whatever way she wants to use this account.  I have  done  this  because  the laws of children having social media  accounts and access.  This is  set up in trust for her future and thus  must survive to be of  any worth. She has decided to power up all SP to  make Steemit  better and to invest in her future trust. Because she  trusts her dad  with all things and knows I help improve her life and the  world.  If  and when she wants something that requires $$$ I will acquire it  for  her so as to keep all $teem in the economy and further the increase  of  value of $teem.  Alternatively she will trade that Steem to a  Steemian  in exchange for what she wants, when she saves enough.  This account  is intended to give Noki a creative outlet  and opportunity to make her  own way in life and achieve her dreams in a  self sustaining manner.

Until Next Time SteemOn!

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