Snowmen built today!

Snowday in Oregon!!

It snowed in Oregon today - pretty much throughout the entire state I think.  Down here in Southern Oregon we got about 6" of snow in Grants Pass.  School was first postponed for 2 hours and then was canceled altogether - SNOW DAY!!!

That meant my daughter, Skyylar, was gonna make a snowman!  She LOVES to make snowmen!  Today she made a pretty large snowman in the morning - mostly by herself.  I think my husband helped her lift a few of the heavy parts up.  Here's her snowman - complete with my rainbow scarf and the rainbow hat that she herself crocheted a couple years ago when she was attending a Waldorf school.

I'm including her snowman into @everlove's "Artists In Bloom" Gallery #3  If you haven't checked this new thing out that @everlove has started - go check it out!  This is a new way to showcase children's artwork here on Steemit!

Back to the snowmen...

After building her snowman, she and Brett (my husband) walked to the park and built another even BIGGER snowman!  Pretty cool!

There were many other awesome snowmen that appeared around the neighborhood today. And, they are all melting now.  But, it sure was fun to see them all and see people out playing in the snow!

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