ARTISTS IN BLOOM: Gallery No. 2 - Playing with Plastiline

Good nigth everyone! Especially Mrs @everlove for inviting us to share our works of art.

This time I want to share my hobby for doing stuff in plastiline. Some time ago my mom bought me a book about sharks, I like them very much. So I made these sharks that appeared in the book, they were a little similar to them.

I put the name on them, in case you want to do some research on the internet about them.

mis tuburones de plastilina.jpg

Another thing I want to share with you is this mini city that I did on one of my notebooks.


Here I show you several shots of the city, where I placed a soccer field, a factory, warehouse, parking lot, roads, buildings, light poles. Everything is clear! hahaha


Finally, I leave you my kitten, with my made-up shark that has no name.

con mi gatito.jpg

I hope you like my plasticine stuff. Until another chance.

Soy @reyareyes, Sígueme!

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