Entry for Artstorm Contest #18 - Fast Food

Hello, guys! :D

A few hours ago, I posted my drawing on yesterday's theme of the artstorm contest. I would have liked to share it on time, but because of my internet, it wasn't possible for me.

So, this is my entry for the day two of artstorm contest by @deemarshall. An easy and fun contest where you only have 15 minutes to make your drawing. Today's topic is Fast food.

Imagen (37).jpg
The little cupcake reminds me of my sister, lol

This was a theme a long time ago. At that time, I drew a soda and some fried potatoes in love. This time it's the opposite, Taco broke Pizza's heart and Cupcake seems not to care. He's focus on his cell phone. What a friend! xD

Ok, guys. That's all for today. I hope you liked it! <3

Previous post: (。・ω・。)ノ♡


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