Entry for Artstorm Contest #20 - At the Zoo

Hey, guys! How was your day? :D

This is my entry for the artstorm contest by @deemarshall. It's my habit to make funny drawings with the theme of each day, but this time it's different. Today's theme is at the Zoo. The truth is that I only went to the Zoo twice in my entire life and I didn't like it. That's why my drawing is a reflection of what I think about that place.

Imagen (43).jpg

The girl is taking the place of an animal and they don't wear clothes, but I thought it would be too much if I draw her without clothes.

Having an animal locked up for our entertainment isn't a good thing to look at. It's not their place. They should be free, not behind a glass / bars or whatever, being observed every day by hundreds of people. I understand that in some places, they can be well cared for (in some cases it's not like that), have a good place to live and all that, but I still don't like it.

I'm sorry if the Zoo is your favorite place, but this is what I think about that. Well, that's all for tonight. I hope you liked it. Bye, guys! <3

Previous posts: (。・ω・。)ノ♡


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