Entry for Artstorm Contest #21 - School Meals

Hey, guys! What’s up? :D

This is my entry for the artstorm contest by @deemarshall.

To participate in this contest, you only need to draw a picture with today's theme in 15 minutes. Today's theme: School meals!, I really don't know what to say about it. Well, the food in my school was disgusting (in college it's the same, but I've a friend who likes that food, haha). Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I really didn't like it, so my mom made me food for lunch.

I remember that in school they served us food in plastic containers (in college they use metal trays). The food was quite common, they usually gave us rice or spaguetti with grilled chicken or cooked ground meat.

I really don't feel like drawing something like that. That's why, I drew a Bento. Basically, it's a portion of food that you can prepare at home or buy it in stores. This is quite common in Japan. Actually, I see it a lot in YouTube videos about exchange students who are studying in Japan even in Anime (Japanese cartoons) you can see it.

Imagen (59).jpg

The traditional Bento is a square wooden box, but nowadays there are packages of different sizes and colors

Bentos usually have rice, fish and vegetables. They can be simple or elaborate. Here I leave some images that I searched online for you to see it.




Well, that’s all for tonight. Hope you liked it. Bye, guys! <3

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