Entry for Artstorm Contest #9 - St Valentine's Day

Hello, everyone! How was your day? :D

So, can you feel the love in the air? because I'm not, haha. Sorry to all those people who love this day, but for me it's a day like any other. You don't need a day to give love to your friends and lovers, just do it every day, let them know that you love them.
Make each day special!

Having said that, here's my entry for the artstorm contest by @deemarshall!. You have to make a quick drawing in 15 minutes or less on today's theme. So, today's theme is St Valentine's Day. I know that my drawing may seem a bit repetitive because this day is commonly associated with couples although it is about love and friendship in all its forms.

Imagen (5).jpg

Well that's all for tonight. Happy St Valentine's Day and have a good night, guys! <3

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