Artstorm Contests - What I mean by 'Edited Photography'

This is what I mean by 'edited Phorograhy'.jpg

Recently I introduced the new category of 'Edited Photography' for Artstorm Contests.

In this post, I want to explain what I mean by that.

I mean a photograph you have taken then amended with other images to make it relevant to the daily theme.

For example:

  • I took this photograph in my garden.

Early October 4.JPG

  • I then made some images of ladybugs, a recent daily theme. Here is one of them:


  • Next I opened Canva. ( You could use any design app you like working with.

  • I uploaded my photograph and ladybug images to Canva.

  • In Canva, I chose my design size. Then I used my first photo as the background.

  • Next I took my ladybug images on top of the background and resized them.

  • I placed them where I wanted them

Et voila!

Edited Photo ladybugs.jpg

The main photo has to be your own work to be accepted as an entry.

An entry using your own additional images will be preferable to Google images. Google images can be used.

All the above steps can be done within 15 minutes so I hope some of you will try entering the new category soon.

thank you GIF.gif

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