Entry for Artstorm Contest #19 - Fast Cars


Digital Art entry

Fast Cars
Title of this art: Chase

Hi Steemies,

Another week had started so let's get going. This is my digital art entry to the artstorm contest hosted by @deemarshall. Please check this link
if you want to join.

The Blue Bells

Scene 15: Chase

The beauty of Gardenlane Park is incomparable be it in winter or spring. No wonder most of the residents living nearby favor it for a lazy walk, active fun or just about anything.

The kids love to play in here and make friends. They chase and feed the birds. Sometimes there are rare cases of migratory birds showing up but most of the time are urban birds.

Harris never got tired playing with his new pets in the park. The kids around could not help but look and wish they had the same pets. Chris Chri the bunny kept digging and sniffing until he found the field mouse quietly watching. Chri Chri wants to play and pursued the mouse as it ran away. The mouse thought it was one of those bad big animals that is running after him so he ran as fast as he could until he reached the busy street. It was already late in the afternoon and traffic is getting busier.

Harris noticed the chase and followed the bunny.

Harris: Chri Chri wait...careful...hold it

A fast car went screeching by the road as it almost hit that tiny mouse and the bunny.

Driver: What the heck was that?

Scene 14: Afternoon Play
Scene 16: Parade

Hope you like it. Until next time.

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