Entry for Artstorm Contest #19 - Good Luck Charms


Digital Art entry

Good Luck Charms
Title of this art: Button

Hello Steemies,

Here's my digital art entry to the artstorm contest hosted by @deemarshall. My drawing is quite simple hope you like it. It's in the details 😂 Theme is quite interesting as most of us could have had a piece or two hoping to be lucky. Oh I just noticed today is Friday the 13th how timely. I bet you have a nice story to tell why not join? Click the detailed post here

The Blue Bells

Scene 19: Button

Kid 1: What is that? (Pointing at the little speck of thing dangling on the kite's thread)
Kid 2: I don't see a thing but I can feel my thread is jiggling.

The predatory bird realized he was clutching on an empty sweater and got flaming mad. He can see with its sharp avian vision that the tiny mouse is hanging on a thread.

Chri Chri saw and picked a beautiful golden round metal on the ground. The shine of it caught his attention. He then dropped the metal thing in front of Harris.

Harris: Where'd you get this? hmm a golden coin. No there's a name on it --- T-O-Ba- yuhz. Tobias. I wonder what that is.

Harris thanked his bunny pet and carried it as he hurriedly went back to Gardenlane Park. He was thinking the metal button that Chri Chri found could be his lucky object. He smiled a bit while playing with that idea up in his head.

Scene 18: Help

Hope you like it

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