Entry for Artstorm Contest #21 - Trees in Blossom


Digital Art entry

Trees In Blossom
Title of this art: Blue Sky Morning

Hello Steemies,

Time for another artstorm challenge. Here is the details of the contest kindly check it and join. Trees in blossom is the theme, but on my drawing it will be in the background as opposed to being the main subject. I would like to focus on the first flavor that Debbie had prepared for her client. Hope you like it.

The Blue Bells

Scene 27: First Flavor

The second and third kids followed the youngest and when they reached their mom's kitchen nothing is in there. They followed the aroma of cinnamon which is coming from the orchard area. Debbie has a beautiful patio with a nice view of the world outside. Today the sky is blue the trees are blossoming with flowers. Perfect time for a hearty breakfast.

Kid1: There you are mom
Debbie: We will have a taste test here kids, look at those beautiful trees from afar.
Kid 3: I can't see them
Kid2: You're so little Brianna that's why.
Kid 3: Mom, can I bring Elvis here outside?
Debbie: No, Brianna. Elvis could get soiled in here you wouldn't want your fluffy purple toy to get dirty right?

And so taste test started. Everyone is quick to take a bite and no one said a word until....

Kling, Klang, Splash

Via: meowwwww
Kid 1: What is that noise?
Kid 2: I didn't hear a thing but I love this cake mom, the cinnamon gives it a nice kick.
Debbie: What about the dande...oh nevermind dear.
Kid 1: Did you use some root beer? I think there's a hint of it.
Debbie: Really? I used an organic plant based ingredient ( feeling awkward to reveal the dandelion)
Kid 2: It's delicious mom

Scene 26: Drowning

Thanks for reading until next time.

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