Twilight Hill - Artstorm Contest Entry - Theme: Trees 🌳


A stark silhouette of a gnarled tree casts a striking hilltop shape as the sun sets behind it

Just found the fun looking Artstorm Contest by @deemarshall and thought I'd have a gander at the current theme "Trees". I opted for a tree in the twilight during winter.

I painted the above in Photoshop CC using regular brushes at 75% opacity. Later I used the layer blend mode "overlay" to make the colours pop more. A bit of saturation and hue and voila! This exercise took just about 15 minutes.

Hint of the Day:

Photoshop and Scratchdisks. It's always recommend to change the folder where Adobe likes to save temporary files (usually somewhere in %appdata% on your C Drive) and move it to a different hard disk for starters, an SSD for journeymen and an M2 or RAM Drive for pros. Remember, photo and video editing creates a lot of "digital dust". Keep it tidy!

Hope you guys feel positively illuminated at this stage. It ain't magic, it's sweat and practice. It's old newspaper, sitting on the floor or infront of the computer for hours in awkward positions and using whatever colorful thing you find that leaves a mark. Don't forget to have fun too while you're at it! Back to the drawing board.

peace and pancakes,



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