3rd artstyleart theme: Surrealism + Addiction

IMG_2995.JPGAddiction to Social Media 16 x 20 inch oil on canvas

Here is my entry for @aksinya 's art challenge. I really worked hard on this as i only have 2 days off from work, and have to go back to work tonight till friday,
Its really hard to choose a subject as i myself is addicted to it, as i know its bad, at the same time i think steemit is a part of my addiction that i found out because of bitcoin, which i think both is a good form of addiction.

In this painting, i placed an iphone at the base, as it reflects how most of us are looking down on it almost all the time, when we get the chance. As you can see, i placed a Kraken, with eyes and forehead resembling a CCTV camera or a spy (as you know social media spies on us, specially the FBI and CIA), and its brain has the illuminati symbol. Its very big and impossible to defeat, but all it can do is scare us. They use fear to manipulate us and keeps a watchful eye as they dont want us to wake up from our addictions. They want total control over our lives.

There are logos of Facebook, youtube, instagram, twitter, snapshot, as those are the mostly use platforms. I also used those as, head of people addicted and could not see the reality surrounding it. Then i placed an angry emoticon and a dislike icon from facebook, then an awaken person coming out from the abyss! Thats all the negative side of addiction, based on my opinion.

Then there are people swimming to the light towards an island unknown. And they are steeming up! ( steem logo on their foot area) The Kraken has no control over them ,as he doesn't want to be exposed to the light, i placed my trademark, the flower of life on this decentralized island. Its just an idea, it maybe small but its get bigger as it holds the tree of knowledge, its slowly shaping the world that we want to live in, it signifies freedom from our debt based, controlled, brainwashed society. We dont know if this island will prosper as we are still shaping it with our ideas, but this island is special, it's shape as a heart if you notice, the foundation of this island is love! And together with a decentralized form of currency (with the bitcoin logo) we are looking at freedom and prosperity for anyone who wants to participate. Then finally the white bird signifying hope. As they guide us too in this path.

All this is just my humble opinion, this surrealism type of painting cracks my brain up, i just had to think of not one subject, but a collective consciousness, moving towards one goal. "Freedom and love to all of us"

Thank you so much for you time view and reading what i had to say.

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