ART EXPLOSION WEEK 46: Theme MASKS [Bubonic Plague Steampunk Mask] entry

steampunk bubonic plague mask done.jpg

The bubonic plague mask in Steampunk style twist. The gears and bolts compliment the leather and texturized inner lining. The metallic mechanisms and the lenses is an adittion to break the roundness and symmetry in the mask. This mask is not a perfect resemblance of the masks used during the bubonic plague period because of the steampunk variant add it to it. The reason of wearing this bird beak like masks was to prevent getting infected because they thought the disease was airbone.

The bubonic plague or black death pandemic swept through Europe killing millions. This pandemic hit between 1347 and 1351 and its cataloged one of the most devastating pandemics in history. Rats carry the bacteria and the fleas on them spread it to humans, that at that time were living in poor conditions, surrounded by animals of all sorts. To learn more follow this link to Wikipedia or do your own research if you like.

This is my entry to the contest ART EXPLOSION WEEK 46: Theme MASKS by @juliakponsford


steampunk bubonic plague mask ink.jpg

Flat Colors

steampunk bubonic plague mask flat colors.jpg


steampunk bubonic plague mask done.jpg

Animated Process



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