Pencil drawing-A wonderful Birthday gift


Do you know that a good pencil piece can be a wonderful birthday gift? Ok pay attention to this

I had a call from someone requesting for a very good pencil artwork for the subject you seeing here. I was a bit occupied and I didn't want to get more jobs. But after alot of persuasion, I had to take the job.

I know you probably thinking what could have occupied me so much that I couldn't take a job that involves money.

Ok here is a why I didn't want to take the job. I believe so much in the word "extraordinary". So because I want to be an extraordinary artist, I started working on a massive project that could set a record and be the first of its kind. It's may take up to a year to finish it but i want tk see if I can hasten up and make it 6 months.

But for now the work is on hold because I couldn't get the materials I wanted to use but hopefully I will start work next week. I can't wait no more for the materials to get in my possession so I will be working with what I have already. I will be sharing with you, the progress of the project as time goes on.

So back this particular piece.
As usual, I started working on the mouth, nose, eye and the rest of the face. Am so sorry I don't have enough progreas shots of this work because of how urgent my client needed it. So here are few shots of the artwork.

The start

The finished piece
The framed piece

Hope going through my art is satisfying. Please if you have any questions or suggestions you wish to make you can hit me up via discord. Here is my username @unyimeetuk#4932

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