Logo design manually (hand drawing) for ArtZone


Dear steemit...

Today, while I was enjoying a glass of ordinary coffee at a river-side coffee shop, I remembered the announcement of a contest logo hosted by @artzone

Hari ini saat sedang menikmati segelas kopi tempat biasa di warung kopi pinggir kali ( sungai ), saya teringat pengumuman contes logo yang di selenggarakan oleh @artzone

Incidentally in the clothing bag I used to wear everywhere there is paper and paint brus we continue to pour ideas.

Kebetulan di tas sandang yang biasa saya pakai kemana-mana ada kertas dan paint brus
lanjut kita tuangkan ide.

Here is the artzon contest logo I created manually ..

Berikut ini logo kontes artzon yang saya buat secara manual..




Just to have fun participate enliven, hopefully win not expect much !! .. for the artzon mania lift your glass friend ..cheers

Sekedar bersenang- senang ikut berpartisipasi meramaikan, semoga saja menang tidak berharap banyak!!..untuk para artzon mania angkat gelasmu teman..cheers..

** original photo and picture of hand drawing by @dedybadunk**

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