AskSteemit #6: What are your thoughts about the future of Steem?

Hey everyone!

With Steemfest now being over and me still regretting I wasn't able to make it there this year I've instead spent a lot of time watching the livestreams and the videos of them afterwards. I have to say I am very excited about the future of the platform and currency.

In case you haven't watched them yourself I really recommend to take the time to do so, the videos can be found on this youtube channel where last years ones are posted also.

The speeches I enjoyed the most were the starting one from @ned and the fireside chat, the one from @sneak, the devpanel and @hansikhouse talking about the Korean activity on Steem and the one about @sndbox which he runs with @voronoi.

Some really exciting stuff are coming up in the near future and I personally can't wait for it. As an altcoin enthusiast ever since Dogecoin was released I'm getting that same feeling I got when projects were starting to be built on the Ethereum blockchain. It feels lately like a lot of users forget just how young Steem is and only compare the price to other coins who most of the time have either released their total supply already or are close to it.

What stuck with me during the speeches the most was the addressing of previous concern about witnesses being able to handle the nodes and how the developers are working towards improving that by making some actions on the blockchain not require full trustlessness. The new things that are close to being implemented also sounded really exciting like the community layer hivemind, jussi, SBDS, yo and the comment widget, although I'm not the most tech-savvy Steemian I can't help but be excited over these new functions and improvements, especially SMT's that will open up so many new doors for Steem!

I've been thinking about going over these speeches that I personally found most interesting and quoting parts from them while giving out my opinion and thoughts towards it in posts but I haven't been able to find the time for it yet, let me know if you'd be interested to read more detailed posts about this.

Having said that, back to the main question:

What do you think about the future of Steem?

Leave a comment down below, in these #AskSteemit posts I reward good discussions more than usual.

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