What are the signs that ex faking pregnancy?

Hi . i need help my ex girlfrind of 5 months making me crazy ,i was with her for 5 months never told her im serious or thinking about her in future .she was acting crazy from day 1 . then one month before breakup she start telling i think im pregnant and she was refusing to do test . then one month later she called me that she is ready to do it . she did it it was positive . im not sure if its her urine or not she went to the bath and came with urine . really i freaked out we never did pentration . all we had is rupping and like that I do not think she is really pregnant . it has been 5 months no any signs of pregnancy no wight gain she wear her usual cloths and somtimes jackets although its summer now And she refuse to talk about pregnancy at all . she just talks about us and what happened blah blah blah She refused to let me go with her appointments Really is she faking pregnancy ? Is there anything to do to make sure she is pregnant or not . although we brok up ,somtimes she send me texts talking about what we had together never understand that i do not want to be with her . please help me any suggestionSource

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