Starting to feel a bit more settled

Greetings my fine readers. Apologies for the lack of posts lately, I have been adjusting to the routine here and just haven't had any ideas for something to post about.

Well, not much has changed. My laptop screen is permanently broken, it can be used but half the screen is unusable. I found out tomorrow I can visit the LAG hacklab, so I will go there and maybe I am lucky enough there is an older but working eee pc or so that I could use, in exchange.


The pretty canals don't have the appeal they once had after you spend too much time around them...


The palace is possibly the dirtiest building in the city...

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One of the shopping strips I have walked hundreds of times...


This is where I slept last night, in a night shelter that is open for all, unfortunately way oversubscribed, at best you can get 10 nights in a month here. It is called Stoelenproject, because when you get there you stick your luggage on a chair to mark your spot.


I found a pair of progressive tinted RayBans on the street. They are also polarised by the way they affect how I see my phone screen (at a certain tilt the screen goes black.

Well, that is me for this morning, I have a dry warm sleep place again on Sunday. Everyone is leaving.

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