Astrology is just a context descriptor

astrology bits

There is a lot of confusion around astrology. Like all things esoteric, there is a tremendous polarization: some say it is the only way to win the lottery, to find out about your past lives or to get rich, while some say it's simply a scam.

I think that none of them are actually right. The truth (or how I see the truth, anyway) is somewhere in the middle. With a slight penchant towards the less "esoteric" side.

The way astrology works is very much related to how meteorology makes predictions. In other words, it's just a context descriptor. It just describes how the environment in which you are acting may look at a certain point in time. It doesn't invalidate in any way your free will, nor it sets in stone anything. Even more, it borrows the same uncertainty you see in meteorology: is how the weather may be tomorrow, not how the weather will actually be.

Keeping that in mind, astrology may come in handy at times. As long as you don't believe it will solve all your problems, making you avoid any action in the hope that "the stars will take care of it" and as long as you don't dismiss it completely.
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We’re stardust. We’re made from the same atoms that took part in the creation of this Universe. Every once in a while, these atoms go well together. What you will read in my posts are merely indications about how your “atoms” may play out with other types of “atoms”.

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