Astrology for Beginners (Part 4) - The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto...


This is part 4 of my series looking at the building blocks of Astrology, adapted from a series I previously wrote on my website. Over the next few weeks I will delve into my 25 years of experience in studying Astrology to explain the basics to those of you who are interested in learning a little more about this most fascinating of subjects. Today I will explain the qualities of the outer planets in our solar system, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

When we get to the outer planets they tend to influence generations as well as our day to day lives and this is because it takes them several years to traverse one sign. Their influence gives each generation common characteristics that they all share together. Moving slower against the position of the earth because of their wider orbit, these planets naturally spend much longer on each degree in the zodiac, and so their influence on us dictates the longer term patterns and issues in our lives that we as humans have to deal with. As I will explain, Uranus tends to have a more immediate effect than either Neptune or Pluto does, and each of these planets do their work in a slightly different way. One thing is for sure; all three of these planets represent for us the notion of developmental change, and are instrumental in the direction that our lives will take.


Even though it is an outer planet, Uranus does have a dramatic and immediate effect when it affects our lives, and since it was discovered it has come to represent unexpected and traumatic change. This is normally the result when an area of our lives, either in our personal lives or more generally in society, has become too ordered or rigid, possibly through the effect of Saturn. This planet can have a very noticeable effect on one's character, and the Uranian type can initiate and front radical and progressive change, or they can be more rebellious and less constructive in nature by standing out from the crowd, and by using shock tactics or advocating anti-social behaviour. You will not be surprised to learn that Donald Trump is one such individual, as he was born with Uranus in close proximity to his Gemini Sun.

Whatever the level of expression, those influenced by Uranus tend to crackle with a mysterious electrical presence that generates excitement, eccentricity or even danger from them. For the majority though, Uranus' influence is not so prominent or evident. The nature of Uranus sees it sitting in the background and then all of a sudden it takes us by surprise when it is activated in our personal lives. Some of us are adaptable enough to accept and even embrace the disruption that Uranus can bring, however for most of us the impact of Uranus will be a shock to the system as the necessity for wholesale change in our lives becomes evident. The effect then of Uranus will be seen as a force of immediate and unpredicted change, shattering and breaking down old attitudes and allowing us to pull out of the ruts in which we have become entrenched. These sudden changes in the conditions of our lives may be construed as rude awakenings, however they allow us an opportunity to take control, make the most of the conditions around us, and allow us to fulfil our destinies. Uranus may turn things completely upside down, but it will also liberate us from stagnating too much. On other levels Uranus rules electricity; lightning and any sudden illumination or original discovery. It represents where we express eccentricity and it is in charge of all innovative technology that we use and embrace. Uranus rules space and the universe around us, science including the abstract sciences; revolutionary ideas and collective action for change, reforms, anarchy, democracy and civil liberties.


Neptune on a personal level is my least favourite planet. As the planet of that rules unreality, unlimited possibilities and things we cannot touch or see, Neptune takes the role breaking down or dissolving the boundaries bind us to the physical universe that we know. Both in a personal manner and in affecting society as a whole, Neptune's effect is to completely undermine any restrictions, regulations or limitations placed on us by harsh, practical Saturn. In return, Neptune tempts us with the promise of other possibilities, and in so doing, it fires up our dreams of transcending everything that is boring, drab and routine and promising something that may seem too good to be true. Now this can be a positive experience and Neptune can enable us to shift the focus of our lives making us much less egotistical, selfish and making us aware of the “greater whole” of which each of us is an integral part. It can heighten your perception, expand your intuition and imagination, and in so doing it will deepen our perceptions and understanding of other people.

Neptune is a planet of ideals, and those it precipitates within us can be both universal and spiritual. Unfortunately there is a more sinister and darker edge to Neptune, and this side of this planet will emerge when our wishes and desires bare little relation to what we are actually capable of achieving. Neptune may fool us into believing that we are either indestructible or perfect, and it may mask the more undesirable qualities in our characters, and at this point we may believe our own hype. When this occurs, Neptune can bring confusion, chaos and self-deception as well as greed, deceit, loss and complete disillusionment. Neptune is the planet of escapism, and we may try and flee from reality through drugs, alcohol or idle fantasy. Other qualities of live and the world around us linked to Neptune include water in all its forms, shipping and anything nautical; oil and chemical gases, leaks, both in a physical sense and of information too, scandals, films, theatre and the world of creation. Neptune also rules dance, music, art, magic and illusion plus photography too, indeed all kinds of artistic inspiration. Neptune is a mystical planet linked to our dreams, spirituality, altruism, martyrdom, salvation, any altered states of consciousness, illusion and confusion. Finally Neptune is a planet of sacrifice, solitude and compassion, linked to doctors and nurses, hospitals, clinics and the treatment of illness where care is needed.

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Even though Pluto was recently downgraded to a “minor or dwarf planet”, most astrologers, including myself agree that tiny, distant Pluto brings into our lives total, utter and completely fundamental transformation. Pluto is a power packed planet, small of stature but huge in terms of influence, and it is the planet that rules resurrection, regeneration and the issues of death and rebirth. Pluto works very differently to both Uranus and Neptune. Uranus as I explained is a disruptive force breaking up the structure that Saturn lays down for us, both in society and in our personal lives, and Neptune disintegrates the reality that we see and know, dissolving and corroding it and eventually turning it inside out, only to reveal the painful truth of any situation. Pluto in contrast is like a wrecking ball, breaking down situations completely so that a new level of awareness can be brought into being. The other analogy I use of Pluto is like a forest fire, burning the trees to the ground, but at the same time providing nutrients to the scorched earth, so that future growth can be strong and healthy. In the same manner as the other slow-moving planets, Pluto's effect in any particular sign is to raise issues that are experienced by a generation. The position of Pluto through its the position in your horoscope chart, and the contacts it makes to your personal planets and angles, indicates what part of life is going to be activated when these generational pressures come to bare on us.

Pluto in mythology was known as the Lord of the Underworld, and in astrology its domain is our subconscious mind, a place where our deepest desires and habits often lie buried within us, because we were taught when young that they were socially undesirable. Unless we open out and fail to recognize these hidden urges and desires, they can turn into negative manifestations and patterns of behaviour, leading us to become obsessive over things, be compulsive, jealous and resentful. In the worst case scenarios, if we fail to tackle these urges head on, then they could lead to events beyond our control that may threaten our very survival. What we do need to do is to bring these instincts and urges to the surface, and if we can then Pluto will allow us to refine them, so that in time, every aspect of our personality can be brought under our own conscious control. This process will never be easy, and it will test us to the limit, as it will involve the breaking down of integral part of your character, before a new and more complete you is able to emerge into the light. Think of a caterpillar entering a chrysalis and emerging as a butterfly, and you have the process that Pluto wants to subject us to, maybe several times in our lives. Pluto also rules any part of aspect of society that is potentially undermining but which we are unwilling to face up to. This includes the criminal underworld and subversive groups, anything that is taboo or frowned upon, urban decay and corruption too. Pluto rules all events that change the fabric or structure of our earth including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. On a more personal level it rules self-transforming therapies and healers, charlatans and any form of uncontrolled power. Pluto is in charge of big business and corporations, power and control issues and the generation of it through nuclear energy. Pluto rules the banks and large financial institutions, investing stocks and shares. This is the planet of sharing with others, including in the most intimate way, therefore Pluto rules our sexual lives, reproduction and the orgasm too. Finally, Pluto is a planet of brutal behaviour and change including the ultimate change in our lives, that of death and permanent endings.

Previous Editions in this series -

Part 1 - Introducing Astrology and the Chart Wheel @solarisastro/astrology-for-beginners-part-1-how-you-understand-an-astrology-chart-and-what-to-look-for

Part 2 - The Inner Planets from the Sun through to Mars @solarisastro/astrology-for-beginners-part-2-the-sun-the-moon-and-the-inner-planets

Part 3 - Looking at the roles of Jupiter and Saturn in our lives @solarisastro/the-beginners-guide-to-astrology-part-3-looking-at-the-roles-of-jupiter-and-saturn-in-our-lives

If you are interested in Astrology I also write an "Astrology of the Day" post every day on Steemit, so don't forget to log on around 9pm UK time every day when I post them up. For beginners of Astrology, I am also doing a series of posts to help newbies understand this beautiful and fascinating subject. Please follow me for more information...

Please note - all images that I use are taken from stock photos on the internet...

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