Starting Position

Starting Position
There is no possibility of God,
You would have to be extremely foolish to believe,
God is behind universal creation,
God is omnipotent,
How could we not see,
Science tries to provide a definitive answer,
There is obvious confusion,
We have the high pope of the God delusion,
We can measure back to when time began,
Our universe started in one ‘Big Bang’,
For we can clearly see,
Christianity states everything just came to be,
These religions just create divisions,
It is foolish to think things such as,
Christ was the divine son of God,
Christ died to offer us all hope,
Can you even begin to imagine,
There is nothing more than our here and now,
Atheism offers this simple solution that,
We are just born to live then die,
There is no need to ponder our why,
There is no need for religion or spirituality,
You’d have to be extremely foolish to believe!

(Now read the poem in reverse order, starting with the bottom line
‘You’d have to be extremely foolish to believe, working back up the page’).

All that has changed is our starting position, the words are the same

@acpcarnegie Feb 2017

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