Stone Forest Lunanu

The Lunan Shilin or otherwise, the Petrified Forest is the name of the region lying in the southern part of China, in Yunnan Province. Municipality Yuanmou on which the area is located Las of the Yuanmou Formation of the Earth, is located in the southwestern part of China. The closest town is 90 km further, because the Stone Forest refers to the attractions of this place. Its beauty is reduced to solely a fabulous sculpture, relief, reminiscent of the confusion turned to stone and tree, though in reality it is rock formations.

Feature location

Stone Forest Lunanu, because it often determines, covers an area of 912km2. The result of karst processes most in here limestone cliffs crack and was wypłukana through the water, so there were hundreds of spires with a height of 1 to 48 meters. The formation of stone forests are found in other parts of the world, but in China, one of the largest and most characteristic. The most fantastic forms are in Xinhua and on the Beach, Jump in the Tiger Wumao. They beat the other forests, the formation of the earth formami and their exotic splendor.Between the stones there are gaps, clearings and passages, some overgrown with trees and bushes. In the vicinity grow rhododendrons and camellias, flowering during the cover the forest colored carpet. Species variety also mica and quartz, which zabarwiają rocks and cause them to glow in the sun.


Las the formation of Yuanmou Earth is exclusive proof of the transition of the Earth through geological processes and cultural development. Describing themselves groups of areas that have undergone water erosion, the stone forest is the product of 5 thousand years of the formation of rocks, tectonic movements, climate and entire ecological environment. Determine the forms and causes of formation, pillars of the earth to share powerfully into 4 categories: having the form of a sprout-shaped locks, having the form of bamboo stalks, having the shape of iron helmets.Countless columns, formed from land of various shapes, were sitting together, writing a story with an unusual diversity. Formations of the earth is sometimes reminiscent of castles, palaces and temples, as well as characters, racing horse, woman with a fan, and many others. The forms they are required the names given them by the locals. The most well-known of Blooming Lotus, a Large Gazebo and Jade Is a Virgin who looks At the Clouds and Mother and Son on the Way.

Tourist attraction

People appreciate beauty in any form, and therefore appreciated the beauty of the stone forest. The first poetic lyrics, describing the place come from the 3rd century BC, and for centuries hundreds of times it became a source of inspiration for poets and artists. Stone Forest Lunanu was the cult of the deity as the one that was created by the God of Wind. Historians believe it, but the cradle of civilization, where 1.7 million years ago, there lived a caveman from Yuanmou. At the end of XX century this place was visited by about 15 million tourists a year. Given the devastation of the area tourists, the Chinese government decided to impose restrictions and make this place protection. In 1987, as part of K. L. created the national Park Lunan Shilin to study is implemented OK. 100 ha. the whole zoo is defined as "Three Yunnanu Forest" actually consists of three entities: the Las of the Yuanmou Formation of the Earth, rainforest Xishuangbanna and the Lunan Stone Forest.

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