The Australian Vernacular Decoded - How to be a fully sick cunt!

Over the past few weeks since I started here on steemit, I have been chatting and interacting with a whole new group of people. A few times now mid conversation, something I have said has stumped them.

I really wasn't even aware how much I use slang, here in Australia everyone talks fairly casually to one another. I was also unaware of how strange some of our sayings must seem to foreigners. So here I am hoping to help explain at least a few terms to hopefully clarify, what I'm actually going on about!

The following will provide you with a list of common Australian slang terms and their true meanings - Trust me I'm an Aussie!

So firstly let's start with:


Now I know a lot of you out there know the word, but it's more about how we as Aussies use the term Cunt. Yes we can use it as an insult "Oi you're a cunt" but there is a newer trend in Australian culture where it has been reclaimed and can now be used as a term of endearment, respect and even admiration - "You're a sick cunt" or "He's a mad cunt" for example.

Sick cunt = Awesome person

I had to include these two youtube videos, these two sick cunts have already explained the term so much better than I ever could. Here are two fellow Aussies, Alex Williamson a stand up comedian and Eso from Bliss N Eso a brilliant Aussie hip hop band.

Shat a Brick:

This term does not mean I literally defecated construction material, it simply means I was really scared. I think it might be a take on the saying "you scared the shit out of me" but I am not certain.

I Shat a brick = I was really scared

Built like a brick shithouse:

This is a simple phrase usually used to describe a person or thing and it's structure, size or strength. It is usually used as a compliment but can be used just for descriptive purposes as well for example, "he was built like a brick shithouse" usually means he was big and strong - Aussie gals have been known to use this as a term of endearment about a guy they hooked up with and their friends don't know.

He was built like a brick shithouse = He was fricken massive


This one can often get foreigners confused, especially when they hear how much we like our brick shithouses! But unlike "brick shithouse" the term just "shithouse" means a place, person or thing was just terrible, unpleasant, not worth the effort or felt sick - "I just feel shithouse"

Shithouse = Terrible

Top Shit:

"Top shit" is term used to express good quality for example, if someone asked you how your beer was you would reply "top shit". But with a simple rework it is also used as a kind of insult "Oh you think you're top shit eh?" Basically saying oh you think you're so good.

Top shit = Best quality


Stoked is one of my favourite slang terms, it basically means psyched, happy, thrilled or eager. You can be "stoked" which is more happy or "fully stoked" which is more like psyched or elated.

Stoked =Excited
Fully stoked = Fully psyched


We have a couple of ways of using this word, the first way "I root for the Broncos" this means I support this team. However if you remove the word for in this sentence "I root the Broncos" this means you fucked them, you fucked them all. It even works to explain a crappy situation "oh it's just rooted"

Root for = I support
To root = To Fuck
That's rooted = That's fucked up


"Ah don't be a drongo" basically means don't be stupid it's a really mild form of an Aussie insult, in looking into this word further I discovered it's origins. Apparently in the 1920's there was an Australian racehorse named Drongo who in spite of many start's never won a race, there you go you learn something new everyday - even as an Aussie I wasn't sure how the term came into common use.

Drongo = Stupid

Here's a few easy ones for the road:

Bogan = Redneck
Sick cunt = Awesome person
Drongo = A dope
Esky = Food cool box
Shitfaced = Drunk
On the piss = Going out drinking
Sparky = Electrician
Knackered = Exhausted
Arvo = Afternoon
Dunno = I don't know
Howzat going = How is it going
A blue = A fight
Bloody Oath = That is certainly true
Sanger = Sandwich
Brekki = Breakfast
Crack a fat = To get an erection
Exy = Expensive
Stuby = A beer
Bloke = Guy
Piece of piss = Too easy
Hitting the turps = Going out drinking
Kick the bucket = To die
Cactus = Broken
Fair suck of the sav = Disbelief
Bottle-o = Liquor store
Dag = Doesn't dress well
Servo = Service station

A final note

If you have ever had a conversation with an Aussie you may have asked them a question only to have them reply with "yeah, nah" or "nah, yeah"?

A simple rule to follow with this situation is, trust the last word as the response.

Yeah, nah = Nope
Nah, yeah = Yep

So there you have it, there is so much out there this is just a small selection to hopefully clarify some points of confusion out there. What's your favorite Aussie slang term?

Let me know if you have any terms you need figured out, and I'll be happy to translate!

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