Have You Ever Seen A Singing Ship?

AS some of you may know I'm involved in organizing our local costumers festival. We are finally getting underway and campers are beginning to arrive, which is very exciting and has nothing whatsoever to do with singing ships!

Well today I went out to the site to offer what little help I could. On the way home I grabbed a takeaway lunch and drove up to one of our local historic sites, the Singing Ship. Coincidentally today just happened to be one of the most beautiful Winter days of the season. I just had to take some photo's.

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The Singing Ship commemorates Captain Cook`s Bicentenary in 1970 and marks his discovery of the bay in May, 1770.

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Mr. Steve Kele erected the forty foot high steel and concrete structure unveiled on May 30, 1970.

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Concealed organ pipes use the sea breezes to create eerie music.

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The memorial represents the billowing sail, mast and rigging of his ship The 'Endeavour'.

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In three voyages Cook sailed thousands of miles across largely uncharted areas of the globe. He mapped lands from New Zealand to Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.

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Reminiscent of a ship's sails and designed to 'sing' in response to the prevailing winds.

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Captain Cook was attacked and killed while attempting to kidnap the native chief of Hawaii nine years later in 1779.

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citation for this post:
-James Cook was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal Navy.
-Monuments Australia Singing Ship

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