@amedeo @shikika Are Flying With @Schamangerbert

These lovely Steemians, @amedeo and @shikika are flying with Captain @schamangerbert!! Guys, you are  going to have some fun! Let's go! Sit back, relax and enjoy the flight!  


@schamangerbert is Flightgear Aircraft Developer and developed more than 17 air crafts and hot air balloons.From my satellite, I could see in real time aircrafts flying, not only one, but more. There are plenty of pilots flying all over. He has his own channel where you can see his plane and watch where he is going. 

This afternoon we flew from Minry airport to Poliarny. (Yakutia )Republic of Russia. Our flight today was a bit shorter than usual. Captain@schamangerbert used a big aircraft. TU- 160 -Blackjack or White swan. It is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft. Source wiki

Whoaa, I'm  also learning about different kind of aircrafts. How cool is that? This is your chance Steemians. Fly free, talk to the pilot live. I was excited to fly with him that I even forgot to ask how the Captain was doing. Once he starts to fly, everything is live, we talk live. 

WATCH LIVE HERE http://mpmap02.flightgear.org/?ll=15.001160180507002,78.65703378247076&z=2&t=s&fg_server=mpserver01:5000,mpserver01.flightgear.org,5001&update_interval=5&pilot_label=always&icon_mode=normal

Feel free to to visit his blog, drop him a message if you want to fly with him. He is looking for a copilot, crew on board and more passengers. @amec is now on Mumble he will try it soon. I still have the passengers waiting list. You are going to fly soon, so stay tuned! Who dares to Mumble and join us? 

Here's How:
Download: MUMBLE.com.
After you download mumble.com.
Search for the sever and put in the information: Servername:EDDF-Frankfurt Adress:mumble.allfex.org Port:64738
Register your name: Mine is Sunnylife
You will see the blue screen> Go to Configure> Audio Input>Transmission>Push to talk
Once you're inside mumble, don't get confused, there's a lot of channels.
Go to the German Channel. You will have this icon like a spaceship along with your name.
You can drag this icon to any channel. There's even a Spanish Restaurant, Dutch Channel etc.

If you haven't vote your witness yet, Please vote Terry now.
He needs our support NOW!
Write @steemgigs >>>https://steemit.com/~witnesses
Other witnesses @cloh76, @precise and @rcarter.witness.  Thank you. 

Yours truly,
The village girl @sunnylife by the Steemian Ocean

Thank you for your patience @schamangerbert

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