How a smile can change your day

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Last Thursday baby Ameerah got her first vaccination shots but sadly I wasn’t able to spend time with her…It was a busy day for me, I had to work and I also had an important trip to Manila planned. I couldn’t put off this trip because I had to go down to the embassy in order to get some information both for myself and for her. I finished work around midnight and went home to check on her for a few minutes before heading to the bus terminal.

It usually takes around 5 to 6 hours on the bus to get from Baguio city to Manila but luck wasn’t on my side. I got on the bus at 2 am and even though I was tired I couldn’t fall asleep. I did doze off from time to time but every time I would suddenly wake up because of the passenger snoring right next to me. I am very sensitive to noise especially when I am sleeping. My neck was also starting to hurt a lot. I know I should have gotten some ear plugs and one of those travel pillows but sadly I didn’t.

At around 7 in the morning right before the bus entered Manila…I was talking to my wife and I told her how tired I was so she decided to send me a video of Ameerah. I couldn’t watch it though due to bad data connectivity so I put it off for later. Now Manila is known for its traffic problems but I never expected it to be as bad as it was on that day….remember I mentioned it takes around 5 to 6 hours…this time…it took me 9 hours to get to my destination…that’s how bad the traffic was.

After getting off the bus at the terminal…I proceeded to hail myself a cab…these people will try their best to charge you high prices if you are a foreigner and you just have to put your foot down if you don’t want to be cheated. After getting a cab I managed to get to the embassy sometime after one. Thankfully I didn’t have to wait long to have a meeting with the consular even though I left the place disappointed. Turns out I have to get a lot of papers done in order to fix everything for myself and my family. What a waste of a day and money.

My business is taken care of…I am back at the bus terminal and waiting for my bus to head back. Tired, grumpy and feeling depressed…I just sat there in a daze until I received a message from my wife asking me if I had seen the video yet. I turned on my data and opened the messenger to play the video. Believe me or not after I was done with the video…I was feeling refreshed and at top of the world. Baby’s smile chased away all the negative thoughts that were running through my head as well as my tiredness.

I would like to share this video with everyone to brighten your day as well :). P.s don’t mind my wife’s overexcited tone. I still have a long way to go to fix everything up in my life for my family but hey I will do it…hopefully soon.

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