How to Get in Touch with Nomads - Planning Mongolia!

I asked myself, how do I get to know Mongolia? Nomads are living still in traditional yurts in Mongolia. I wanted to get in touch with them and be a part of their life. But how to get to know them, where to get contacts?

Step 1:

Search for Mongolian Clubs in your country. I wrote Mails to some Mongolian music choirs, I hoped to get an answer. I just wrote and asked if someone have families in Mongolia. I get an answer from a Mongolian girl. Her name is Altai, she is living in Germany. Her whole family is living in Mongolia and they have relatives who still live as nomads in yurts on the countryside. Jackpot!!!! My dream will come true!

I drove by bus from Ulan Ude (Russia) to Ulan Baator (capital of Mongolia). 12 Hours by bus for circa 15 Euro, pretty cheap. I met my local guide, his wife, his daughter, husband of the daughter and his granddaughter. Puref (my local guide) spoke Russian. He was my translator (I speak Russian, too). The rest of the family spoke Mongolian language. I did not understand a word. Hand and feed language is also possible :P

The holly penis

My host family and me traveled through Mongolia. I lived with nomads in yurts in the steppe without any toilets or showers. I released how happy people are, even they did not material things in their life. I lived just for today with them and their animals. It was a great experience. After that trip I appreciating the supermarket on the corner at home way more :P :)

I payed for my local guide 600 Euro (1 month). Included were local russian guide -Puref-, Mongolian Food, living with nomads in yourts, we had also to buy presents for nomads (rise, vodka, flour) . A van with his whole family :D Sometimes it was pretty loud in it. It is pretty cheap. For an agency I would pay 3000 - 5000 Euro.

See You Soon! Big Hug Lena <3 <3

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