Bad Karaoke Entry - simgirlandsnook's FUN CONTEST!!!

KARAOKE??? heck. yeah.

Because - there is absolutely no good reason why you should not be belting ANY song at the top of your lungs into a microphone in front of 14 drunk strangers!!!!

Because - 80's songs NEVER go out of style.

Because - @snook and @simgirl have a sweet #badkaraoke contest where you can sing and sing and sing... and no one is gonna tell you to shut up!  (cuz they can just turn you off - but that's beside the point!!!)

I love Steemit.  I love fun. I love community.  I love to sing.

Clearly this contest was made for meeeeeeeee.  But... I'm also supposed to show my face - and you know I don't do that  (cuz i just don't wanna. haha) So I can't win! BUT YOU CAN! (and plus - my daughter says this is an 11/10 performance. so.... I'm already a winner!)

So this is my UNOFFICIAL entry into the contest to try to stir up some action and energy....and right after I post this.... i'm gonna go watch @enginewitty's unofficial entry too!   yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.   

so watch mine - watch his - and then GO ENTER!!!  

DOOOOOOOOOO ITTTTTTTT!!!!  ohhhh. and did i say there is a prize???? cuz there is.  go get it!  :)

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