Bahbahra’s Buddies Contest - Meet Dora The Donkey

This is my submission for the competition bahbahra buddy contest initiated by @tattoodjay .
For you not familiar with the competition here is a little information ( so that this post makes more sense when you read it ).


The concept is to make a response post to bahbahra. You can see her below in the photo. She is a little soft toy that would like to know more toy friends here on Steemit.


This weeks challenge Bahbahra wants to see a little slice of your toys or drawings part of the world.

So without further ado here I want you to meet Dora The Donkey !


Hi Bahbahra,
My name is Dora the Donkey. I am a kind and cute soft pet who was really captured by your posts here on Steemit.

So from what I understand you want to see the world ? Well let me share some photos. I live in Hangzhou China. I was given as a present to my owners dog. This is not the kind of toy I was hoping to be. Being a dog toy is quite terrible to be honest, that is actually why I am sitting here on the edge of my balcony. I am at the end of my rope.


As you might be able to see in the picture I am missing one eye. The dog happy's idea of playing is to bite me and shake me. It's not a game I like and it's wearing on my seems.


Also I get sexually harassed by the dog. It's a she actually, but she still humps the living soft toy out of me. This is un going and is not getting any better. It seems this dog either just eats or humps me.



When the dog eats she brings me to her bowl and puts me next to it. She makes me watch her eat but she doesn't share any of the food, this is not a good friend if you ask me .


Anyways I am sorry for ranting about all my problems, but I felt a need to reach out to someone and I was hoping you would see this message and hopefully you can come and save me and we can ride away together on your toy truck. I will be sitting here on the balcony waiting for you, I hope meeting you one day can change my world, because I am tired of being humped and harassed.

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