Smelled Teh Frowers - Bahbahra Buddy Contest (Week 6)Entry

Hi, Bahbahra! My name is Dennis, and I am a HUGE fan of yours!

I have been meaning to enter the contest, but Mo keeps forgetting. I am glad that she finally remembered to take me out for some photos, and boy what a beautiful day it was to smell teh frowers! Mo and I deliver packages for Amazon, and when I relax, I like to play disc golf...

contemplate the meaning of life....

and appreciate the beauty of the little things.

But perhaps what I enjoy most of all, is gardening. I think that it is very relaxing to plant seeds and watch them grow into beautiful plants.

People and plants have a lot in common, you know. They both need love, care, and patience to grow into the beautiful beings that they were meant to be. I am so glad that your person has you, Bahbahra. I bet that you're a great friend to have.
Well, I guess that's all now. I am going to go crawl up next to Mo and watch Wallace and Gromit.
Love you so so so so much,

PS. I like you. Do you like me? Write back soon.
PSS. I almost forgot to tell you how fabulous you looked in that shoe from last contest.
PSSS. Can we be friends too?
Okay. Bye.

I laughed all the way through this post. Thanks to @tattoodjay and Bahbahra for their amazing efforts to build community on Steemit. It's amazing what joy a little toy can bring to even a 43 year-old adult(ish)(nevermind). I am inspired by this little guy, and Rhoda loves him to bits.
As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my work.
x x

All photos are my own

Photo 1: Location - Bordine's Nursery, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Photo 2-4: Location - Firefighters Park, Troy, Michigan
Photo 5-6: Location - Private residence, Westland, Michigan

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