Bahbahra's Buddy Contest Week 5 ~ "Transportation"

Hello, Bahbahra, my name is Sandy! I have enjoyed following your adventures on Steemit, but have been too shy to write to you until now.

I like all of your vehicles, very much! The golf cart and bicycle look like fun! And your red truck is especially pretty! I thought about getting a car, but the ones I found weren't quite right for me.


But my green truck is perfect for me to ride! It is very old; I was told it was made over fifty years ago! That is a very long time, but it still runs nicely!


My friend, Rocky Rabbit, offered to take me for a ride on his skateboard. But I had to say, "No, thank you" because he likes to ride too fast! I think boys like to rider faster than we girls do.


Sometimes, the most fun way to get around is to walk or run. It is healthier, too. I like to go on hikes in the forest. There are so many interesting things to see there!


And I like to climb mountains, too! Mountains are very exciting, and the view from the top is great!


It is important not to get lost, though, so I take my compass with me so I can find my way back home! It pays to travel safely!


Do you have a compass, too? If not, you can borrow mine when you need it!


I hope we can ride our trucks together sometime! That would be such fun! Bye for now, sweet Bahbahra! šŸ˜Š


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