The social movements could shape the bank's language...

Analysis by : Sthitaprajan
( A Minnows )
Today's post is somewhat based in technical aspect. Still i will try to put it simple for my reader to understand. Do we believe that there is an atmosphere around us like "Speaking the language of change". Have the youth of the society come forward to shape the bank's language...? For me certainly yes, but it is still in the making, there is very small wave generating among the youth to shape a bank's language and i am sure this wave will become much bigger and stronger in the days to come. I am of the apprehension that there have been monopoly of the bank since long, and in the fact the society never objected to it, that's the reason why it got stronger and stronger over time.
World Bank Report itself is saying that it is studying the society. It is not just about world bank studying the society, but turning the lens back on the World Bank. The Bank is not detached from but is a part of the same social process that it describes. Ironically then if we see the report, which says...."taking politics seriously in development points directly to the need to challenge the interest of the power holder that control institutions -- something that many developement organizations have not yet decided they are willing to do".
What is different from four decades ago is that the bank is also responding to the multifaceted challenges. The resistances by social movements have led the bank to speak the language of the people. The report further says that.."The development community is talking the talk of politics. How much it walk the walk is not clear."Ultimately the question is whether the World Bank itself is willing to walk the walk.

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