The Old Dog Exposes: More Swiss Banking Horror Stories!

 “The bank called you and said what? What’s going on? Are they crazy?”   

 This is how I reacted to the news that my wife had just given me.   


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Why Did The Bank Call?  

 Please allow me to give you the gist of what was said in this re-enactment!  

 Dring dring   

@lellabird60: “hello”   

Our bank: “Um er, this is kind of embarrassing but um er…..”   

@lellabird60: “What is it? What’s going on?”   

Our bank: “It’s your husband…….” (pause)   

@lellabird60: “What! What! What’s going on! What happened!”   

Our bank: “Well, his name has come up on a list of suspected….”   

@lellabird60: “Suspected what! What did he do? What’s going on!” (My wife is very excitable and at this point her mind is racing and she’s thinking…. a suspected terrorist? A suspected thief? OMG did he rob the bank?)  

Our bank: “He’s suspected of being a USA citizen.”   

@lellabird60: “What! What are you talking about? He’s not a USA citizen. He’s Swiss/Canadian but even if he was what’s the problem?”  

Our bank: “We no longer accept USA citizens in our bank!”  (to learn more why see HERE)

@lellabird60: “I just told you he’s not a USA citizen.”   

Our bank: “We’re glad to hear that but he’s going to have to prove it! He has to give us a signed copy of his scanned passport and then he has to sign a waiver form stating that he is not a USA citizen.   

@lellabird60: “ I can’t believe this. We’ve been banking with you for over 15 years!”   

Our bank: “I’m sorry. Those are our rules!”   

@lellabird60:”He’s not going to like this!”   

Our bank: “I’m sorry. Goodbye.”   

@lellabird60: ”Goodbye”    

How Did I React to This News?  

Well my wife was right. I didn’t like it! I told them that I would not comply because by now they should know who I am. 

I have taught in several schools in the area, I run a business with employees, have almost a thousand local customers and I’ve lived in this little community for 22 years! I said: “If you don’t know who I am by now or can’t figure it out then shame on you!”   

To make a long story short, they backed down.  

For more information behind the reason for my bank's phone call check the following article HERE.

Should We Trust The Banks?  

My little experience, related above, shows me that the proverbial vice is tightening! In this case the bank's phone call had more to do with USA government policy but there is more, much more!    

The Federal Reserve, fractional reserve banking, quantitative easing, bail-ins, currency controls, the war on cash and negative interest rates…. the more I learn about and experience these things the less reason I have for trusting the banks.  

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Should We Be Moving More of Our Savings Into Crypto Currencies?  

  I believe that it is wise to hold funds outside the banking system and I am thankful that Steemit has helped to train me in this practice.  

What About You?  

  • Do you trust the banks? 
  • Is your country subject to currency controls? 
  • Have you experienced bail-ins? 
  • Do you believe in having a percentage of your funds in crypto currencies? If yes what percentage?
  • Do you have any stories to relate?    


I hope that you enjoyed my banking horror story!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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