Barrels of Positivity; You Are The Only Being That Matters.


The most important person in your life is you. Forget what anybody might have told you.

This is why your world should revolve around you!

Everyone has at least some idea of what they want their lives to look like. Whether we like it or not, in our heads are mental pictures of the types of humans we want to relate with, the places we can't stand, the food we won't dare eat, and lots more.

We all have these pictures but some people have learnt to live by them and take their stand while others just bend to the wishes of the people around them.

This world is said to be made up of over 7 billion people? That's enough people to pick from but that's also none of your business.

Your business is YOUR WORLD; the one where you are king and in charge. The one that affects you directly. This world is your business. It is the most important of all things in existence.

Taking a closer look at this most important of all things in existence, you find out that in it lives the most important being; YOU!

As the VIP of your world, you deserve all the royal treatment possible. In your world, nothing else should matter more than you and your wellbeing.

Oh you don't think so?

See, the truth is, if YOU are not feeling good, you cannot care about anyone else.

Remember these people we talked about earlier? Those that have learned to follow their mental pictures to the letter and stand their ground? Those people don't have two heads you know?

So when someone says "Sorry, I can't date you.", believe that they have a mental picture of who they want to date and you're probably missing one or two or all of the essential features. They have stood their ground and followed this picture to the letter.

Then there's you, feeling all sad and cast down. You want to beg your way to their heart. You might have already modified some part of your life just for them. You might have started to do one thing or the other so you could get closer to them. You had taken your beautiful mental picture into Photoshop and edited the entire thing.

Now after all that work, they still don't want you. Shouldn't you be sad and crying your heart out? No! Don't! There's still a way out.

You need to learn to love you and treat you great. You don't belong in the dung hill. Pick yourself up. You're worth a lot more than people can see and your worth won't start to be visible until you believe and accept it.

Someone rejected you? Great! It's their loss. You have to stay strong, and healthy physically and mentally. You have to be happy. Genuinely happy.

Remember those over 7 billion people on earth? Now they can be of use to you. The rejection of one, ten, hundreds, or thousands of people should never be enough to tear you apart.

You are stronger than your current reality. Believe that and make it a reality.

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