The Old Dog Reports: The Attack Begins Again! Announcing a 100 Steem Bounty!

They came as they always do, suddenly, relentlessly, innumerably and without fear! Every year I know they'll attack but somehow I'm never really ready for it!

Every year I'm in for a fight! image

The Attack Begins!

Yesterday morning, as I often am, I was up by 5 am. As I rinsed my eyes and coerced my old carcass into gear I heard some rustling in the kitchen. In the distance and through the frosted glazing of the kitchen door I saw movement inside. As I slowly slid open the pocket door there she was, weapon in hand and ready to fight!

How I adore the bravery and spunk of @lellabird

She pointed to the kitchen door which leads to the upper balcony of our home. Then I saw it! Down on the floor was a heaving living mass. They were back and we were in for a battle!

The Gory Fight Details!

I'd love to say that we stood shoulder to shoulder as we fought them off but the fact is that I went back to the bedroom to finish getting ready and she fired up our weapon of choice. The vacuum cleaner!

What would you use to get rid of thousands of ants? Some sections of our light brown floors and white walls appeared to be black because of them.

This is on top of our kitchen door AFTER they'd already been vacuumed! The fight raged on all day!

Disclaimer: I love all creatures big and small but not all over my walls, countertops, in my cupboards and certainly not on every morsel of food that they can "attack". Ants should be loved and admired outside. Of that I'm convinced!

The Battle Rages On!

Sometimes the attacks last for days or even weeks. Yesterday I was working from home and so every hour or so I'd head over to the kitchen and fire up "The Weapon"! Over the years we've tried many methods to get rid of the ants. This time besides the vacuum cleaner I tried spraying essential oil of eucalyptus! It may have deterred them for a few minutes but they came back with a vengeance!

I did this every hour or so for the whole day!

I'm brave when I have the vacuum cleaner in hand!

Things We've Tried That Don't Work

  • eucalyptus oil
  • lemon oil
  • mint oil
  • lemon peels
  • orange peels
  • chalk
  • ant traps of various types
  • talcum powder

The Old Dog Offers A 100 Steem Bounty

I want to be ready for the next battle and so I'm looking for your help. What ECOLOGICALLY FRIENDLY method can you suggest to me that will control my ant infestation problem. (Remember humour is ecologically friendly)

Contest Details And Rules

  • The solution can be real or even just funny
  • The contest closes at midnight EST Friday March 31st
  • All solutions should be posted in the comment section here on this post
  • I may split the prize into two of 50 Steem at my discretion.

I hope that you enjoyed reading about this yearly attack and that you'l help me with a solution!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, All of my posts have rewards! "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program this post is in the form of the 100 seem bounty contest! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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