B'Day Movie Review Contest

Greetings cinephiles!
I am bringing to you a new awesome challenge, a challenge for all those who love movies, love to write about movies and are not afraid to show it! Of course, being me, I added a twist for some extra-fun!
So, here is what you have to do in order to participate in the contest:
- first, go here , now, select the year you were born, assuming you are not born in 1873, you wont have a problem finding it.

- you'll see all the movies and series released that year, in order of popularity.

- please ignore the TV series and find THE MOST POPULAR MOVIE RELEASED ON YOUR BIRTHDAY,in USA, for example, in my case, I scrolled down and this is the most popular movie released on my birthday:

* I picked IMDB because its popularity, if you can't find the exact date there, feel free to find it from any other source. If for some reason there was no movie released on your exact birthday, pick the most popular released in the month and year of your birth.
watch or re-watch your b'day movie
write a review, now, you don't have to be a major movie critique in order to write a nice review of the movie. Here is a nice example of a movie review by @condra , Nazi Punks, Fuck Off! - My Green Room Review
include in the review a few lines about your favorite scene and why it's your favorite
tell us, how or if, it relates to anything in your life, even if by coincidence like in my case (Lethal Weapon 2, i have a NBK (Natural Born Killer) tattooed on my arm)
post it on your blog with the title "My b'day movie review - YourMovieTitle", use #bdaymoviereview and #moviereview tags and link it below in the comments.
all entries must be submitted before Friday 16th Of Sembtember 2016, 11:59 pm UTC.
The review must be original, please refrain from copy/paste. As stated above, you don't have to be an established movie critique in order to write a few lines about it. You just need to have an opinion, sure, you can write like a critique, or just rant about it. In other words, write in your voice and style!
You can use any formatting, include pics, videos or gifs.
I am giving away 75 SBD, plus 50% of whatever SBD this post makes, split in 3 equal prizes
1st Prize: picked by 3 judges
2nd Prize: random extraction*
3rd Prize: "the last entry"**
*each entry will receive a number, the extraction of that number will be recorded and post it in the winner announcement post (all entries are eligible except the one picked by the judges for the 1st prize)
**the last entry before the specified time above, wins the 3rd prize (except if it's the one picked for the 1st or 2nd prize)
In order to make it fair for everyone, I decided to ignore the votes received on your entries, as well as the payout. Soooo, we have 3 amazing judges for one of your prize:
| @smooth | @condra | @razvanelulmarin |
Please allow the judges 24-48 hours to go trough all the entries and choose. Winners will be announced as soon as they decide.
I wish you all good luck and don't forget to have fun! Enjoy your movies!
Don't forget to follow me for updates!